Rana, Thesis Project


User Research and UX Design


1 October - 16 January 2023



Research Question

How would youth be motivated to become self-aware, and what role can social media influencers play in making youth aware of their uniqueness?


Due to less self-awareness, adolescents are struggling with self-esteem.


- To make them aware of their present emotions.
- Encourage them to understand their emotional triggers core.
- Find motivation to help them to take better decisions.
- Provide them support with loved ones’ presence.


The research found that social media trends addiction most affects the younger generation. They blindly follow social trends because of social comparison with other members of society, especially peer group members. In their growing years, youngsters struggle to find their identity, and due to surrounding pressure or expectations on social media, they try to fit in. It generates much pressure on them because a lack of self-awareness affects their emotional and mental health. Existing research shows the development of self-consciousness differences in adolescence mainly around “WHO AM I”.

In contrast, this research can contribute to seeing “How adolescent can see their thought, differentiate between positive thoughts and negative thoughts.” and “track the intensity of the emotion consciously”.

Throughout my career, I have consistently sought to make a meaningful impact on the lives of teenagers. As a volunteer, I dedicated my time to assisting high school students in finding better future perspectives. This experience deepened my motivation to identify and address the futuristic challenges faced by adolescents, which I explored in my thesis project during my master's studies.


Age group 10 to 24


The primary research survey is a fictitious scenario, which has been added later. Based on the Post-submission thesis, the observation was that real-people survey results could have been an additional solution for adolescents.


Comparative Analysis

The comparative analysis aim was to analyse current digital product features. Research has been conducted around Five digital products, which fall under Four types of comparison: Individualising, Universalising, Variation, and Encompassing.

The outcome of this comparison has been used in the form of Pursuit attributes.


1- Pursuit Origin

2- CBT- Influencer’s personalized videos

3- Self-Learning

4- Emotions Progress

5- Friends and Family care

User Persona

“Being myself on social media is challenging.”

Nina | 19 years old, Student

Hello! I am Nina; I enjoy using social platforms to see or follow new trends. People I follow have the best skin and body, which gives me stress to be like them. But I wouldn’t say I like to use filters while posting my pictures. I find it difficult to post honestly because my social connection doesn’t give me as many likes or make fun of me, which makes me sad, or I get pissed sometimes.

  • To become confident while posting on social media.

  • To embrace herself the way she Is.

  • Don’t want to get affected by other’s comments.


  • Self-esteem is a significant barrier.

  • Easily affected by people’s perception.

  • Struggles to post the best selfie.

Pain Points

  • Role model to follow.

  • Encouragement to become comfortable in own self.

  • Awareness of emotional triggers.


User Journey


After completing one month of intense research, my primary professor gave me feedback that the concept required changes. It was a significant setback because I had to change the entire concept. However, I took this as a challenge and researched again from scratch. It was difficult and stressful because of the timeline. Although, this setback showed me a new direction for the research and outcomes. I am grateful that I got the feedback in time.





Data Visualization and other features


Pursuit generates emotional data, tracking user’s social media activities to make accurate results and turn them into emotional Kinetics.

The emotion's kinetics rotation speed and colour portions will demonstrate the emotion's intensity. The higher power emotions produce more speed increases.



A Speculative phone application which captures user activities on social media and generates user emotions through data visualization with the help of Emotional Kinetics.


Users can better understand the application assistance features. Show the user journey, and connect with the social media application to get accurate results.

Data Visualization

This is the most significant feature of the application, which helps users to understand their emotional triggered areas and take action accordingly.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

Users can closely relate to user-focus areas with the help of AI-powered assistance to enhance the experience.


This feature can effectively deal with unwanted thought stress by helping users look at their thoughts instead of through them.


It tracks the user's emotional journey with time and date. The user can see previous emotional history and add new entries by selecting the date.


Here can connect with family and friends. And this feature allows users to communicate with others people who are on the same journey.

Cognitive behavioural therapy


Pursuit Movements


I turned setbacks into challenges, optimizing limited time. Embracing discomfort in academic writing, I gained confidence through iterative drafts. Navigating feedback constraints fostered self-reliance and openness to critique. I grasped the synergy of design and research for meaningful user experiences.

For more work inquiries or to grab a coffee, do email me at